Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mahavishnu-Krishna Avatar(Universal Cosmic Energy)
Shiva As Creator & Destroyer-Mahayogi

Radha-Krishna :God Is Love
Life is Energy. When God infused Life into Space it was filled with Energy that flowed from outside the sphere, that is the Space Beyond. The original Source is, therefore, a self- perpetuating and self-generating power house much like the Sun. Unlike the Sun and the stars it is self-created and inexhaustible, permanent and unchanging. If this is also a creative effort of someone, then He is God. He is the only One, beyond everything including Space and Time. Therefore, awareness of God could mean only Cosmic Consciousness.
All of them agree, however, there is only one God and it is the Eternal Source. That which is permanent and unchanging and that has no beginning or ending is God say the Hindu scriptures. The Upanishads, the substance of the holy Vedas, set out to probe the truth about God. Adopting the ‘Doctrine of Inquiry’ propounded by the Indian Sage, Yajnavalkya, they examined all the products of Creation one by one and rejected them as ‘neti, neti’ (this is not it, this is not it) and finally concluded that God is Truth, Knowledge, Bliss (Sat, Chit, Ananda) and much more. But all these are abstract and denote nothing in substance, just as Space and Time. Yet everything—the Cosmic matter, Life and Soul—came out of it. Then God is Nothing and the Whole at the same time. Symbolically one can say that God is a zero and a sphere at the same time. The digit zero can be visualized as a sphere too. The sphere, viewed from any angle, looks like the digit zero. As zero it depicts nothing. As a sphere it is full. In the beginning the sphere was empty space. Time had nothing in it.
Science is the struggle of man in the outer world. Religion is the struggle of man in the inner world. Science makes man struggle for Truth in the outside universe, and religion makes him struggle for Truth in the inner universe. Both struggles are great, no doubt, but one ends in success and the other ends in failure. That is the difference. Religion begins where science ends. The whole scientific method is based on observation and experiment; but the moment man realises that there is something beyond observation and experiment he will give them up and leave material science behind. Science will always have to deal with finite bodies, and God is infinite.
According to Vedanta philosophy the microcosm and Macrocosm are not different; they originate from the same substance. Actually time, space, and causation are not separate entities outside; they all exist in me, that is, in my mind. The whole universe is inside man.

Yogi in Oneness with God

"As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change." (Bhadgavad-Gita, Chapter 2,Text 13)
Srila Prabhupada explains: In the modern age, people are so uneducated that they cannot understand the body is changing at every moment and that the ultimate change is called death. In this life one may be a king, and in the next life one may be a dog, according to karma. The spirit soul is in deep slumber caused by the force of material nature. He is put into one type of condition and again changed into another type. Without self-realization and knowledge, conditional life continues, and one falsely claims himself a king, a cat, or a dog. These are simply transformations brought about by the supreme arrangements.
Contact : Akash

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