Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dhanvantari, an incarnation of Vishnu, who was born from the ocean of milk when it was churned by the gods and demons. He is credited with revealing the science of Ayurveda. He appeared from the churning of the Ocean of Milk and then delivered to the demigods the nectar of immortality. He is the first teacher of the Ayurveda, the Vedic medical science.Ayurveda is the “Science of Life,” originating in India over 5000 years ago. A holistic system of medicine, Ayurveda focuses on diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies to stimulate the body's own natural response to regain balance. The origin of Ayurveda is attributed to the father of Ayurveda, Dhanvantari, the physician to the gods in the Hindu religion, who received the knowledge from God (called Brahma).The most important Ayurvedic texts are the Caraka Samhita and Susruta Samhita (1st–4th century A.D.). These texts analyze the human body in terms of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether, as well as the three body-mind constitutions (or doshas) called Vata (air: wind), Pitta (fire: bile), and Kapha (earth: phlegm).In Ayurveda, all diseases, conditions, and reactions in the body are caused by imbalances in the individual body-mind-soul connection or constitution (the doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha). The doshas become accumulated, causing inflammation, toxicity, disease, pain, and illness. Therefore, Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through diet, lifestyle, yoga, breathing, meditation, and herbal nutrition, as well as detoxifying, cleansing, and rejuvenating therapies, such as panchakarma.
Advanced Medical Science:
Ayurveda is recognized as the World’s oldest and most complete medical system, dating back over 5,000 years.In 700BCE or earlier, the great Indian doctor Sushruta describes over 120 surgical instruments and also 300 surgical procedures, including placing them in eight categories.As early as the Rig Veda (c.5000BCE) India has mention of artificial limbs, and restoration of sight, through the Divine Physicians, known as the Ashwins (Horse-men). One such mention is artificial limbs, such as legs, made of gold.Sushruta also performed Cosmetic surgery and re-constructed ears and noses, which were cut off in ancient times, due to punishment. The same procedure is used today, and interestingly, modern science got it (like our numerals and numerical system) from the Hindus.Earlier than Sushruta was his teacher, Dhanvantri, who is mentioned as the Rig Vedic Seer Kakshivan, and dates no later than around 4500BCE. His own Guru was Bharadvaja – one of the oldest Rig Vedic seers, who taught under Krishna Atreya – who date back as early as 7,000BCE, showing a very ancient lineage.
Dhanurveda (Martial Arts) is also part of Ayurveda and includes branches as Hatha Yoga, or exercise and Pressure Points and Acupuncture (Suchi Karma) that originated with the Seer Rama Jamadagneyi (Parashurama) around 4000BCE. The science was transmitted to China under the Buddhist Monk, Bodhidharma from Southern India – where it is still strong.Zen Buddhism in Japan arose from Ch’an Buddhism in China, which came from Bodhidharma’s Dhyan’ (Meditation) system from India – which included Martial Arts and the Pressure Points. Hence the origin of later Karate, Judo etc. from India.
Basic History Siddha Medicine:
According to tradition, there were 18 Siddhars (the person who has achieved some extra-ordinary powers but the Agasthiyar (Agastya) was the topmost. He is regarded as the originator of the Siddha medicine and also of the Tamil language. He occupies the same position as Hippocrates in modern western medicine. In the period of Ramayana he seems to have settled in the South. Thus origin of every tradition in the South, including language and culture, is traced back to Agastya.
The Maha Sidha Agastiya, an Enlighted Master and Healer in "Cittar Medicine"( The Science of Mind )"
The word Siddha denotes one who has achieved some extraordinary powers (siddhi). This achievement was related to the discipline of mind and its superiority over body, and was accomplished through both yoga and medicine. Thus siddhars (practitioners of Siddha) became the symbols of psychosomatic perfection and so the Siddha medicine became a combination of medicine and yoga.
According to the Siddha medicine various psychological and physiological functions of the body are attributed to the combination of seven elements: first is saram (plasma) responsible for growth, development and nourishment; second is cheneer (blood) responsible for nourishing muscles, imparting colour and improving intellect; the third is ooun (muscle) responsible for shape of the body; fourth is kollzuppu (fatty tissue) responsible for oil balance and lubricating joints; fifth is enbu (bone) responsible for body structure and posture and movement; sixth is moolai (nerve) responsible for strength; and the last is sukila (semen) responsible for reproduction. Like in Ayurveda, in Siddha medicine also the physiological components of the human beings are classified as Vatha (air), Pitha (fire) and Kapha (earth and water). In Siddha medicine the use of metals and minerals are more predominant in comparison to other Indian traditional medicine systems. In the usage of metals, minerals and other chemicals, this system was far more advanced than Ayurveda.
When the normal equilibrium of three humors (vatha, pitha and kapha) is disturbed, disease is caused. The factors, which affect this equilibrium are environment, climatic conditions, diet, physical activities, and stress. Under normal conditions, the ratio between these three humors (vatha, pitha and kapha) is 4:2:1 respectively.
According to the Siddha medicine system diet and life style play a major role not only in health but also in curing diseases. This concept of the Siddha medicine is termed as pathya and apathya, which is essentially a list of do's and dont's.
Ayurveda "Mother of All Healing" “ Knowledge of Life” “The Science of Life” “The Science of Longevity” ” World Medicine”Ayurveda, the most holistic and comprehensive medical system available, teaches you how to live in a true and natural balance.Vedic Rishis did not venture out and collect herbs and experiment with their effects to discover Ayurveda, but rather went into deep internal meditation. Their knowledge of the use of various methods of healing, prevention, longevity and surgery came through “Divine Revelation” (they heard the hymns of the Gods). There was no guessing or testing and harming animals.
Ancient Education of Ayurveda:
Ayurveda was also taught to Chinese, Greek, Roman and Persian students who studied at the great Indian Universities as Takshashila in Indo-Pakistan and Nalanda in India – as early as 700BCE. Buddhism was also taught here, and ruins of these still exist – testifying to its grandeur.It is said to have had 2000 teachers and 10,000 students around 700AD. Remembering that India is home to Buddhism – it hence attracted students from Thailand, Japan, China, Korea and Mongolia and Tibet – as well as the West.Many bronze and other sculptures still exist from this University, and the student accommodations, which included kitchens, bathrooms etc. – in ruins, also show the advancement in the East. It was many hundreds of years earlier than Alexandria in Egypt, and much, much larger.In 300BCE, there were in fact already many Buddhist and Vedantic teachers (Brahmins) from India, noted by the Greeks, in the region of Alexandria, and also in Athens and Rome. Later these were followed by the Romani (Gypsy) – who still speak a dialect of Rajasthani and who’s influenced shaped medieval Europe with their eastern mysticism and culture.In 900AD, the text Bhoja Prabhanda Samhita, states that Ayurvedic surgeons successfully practiced brain surgery.
Sample Herbs & Spices in Ayurveda
Ayurveda therefore is not simply a health care system but a form of lifestyle adopted to maintain perfect balance and harmony within the human existence, from the most abstract transcendental values to the most concrete physiological expressions. Based on the premise that life represents an intelligent co-ordination of the Atma (Soul), Mana (Mind), Indriya (Senses) and Sharira (Body). That revolves around the five dense elements that go into the making of the constitution of each individual, called Prakriti. Which in turn is determined by the vital balance of the three physical energies - Vata, Pitta, Kapha and the three mental energies - Satwa, Rajas, Tamas.
Ayurveda thus offers a unique blend of science and philosophy that balances the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components necessary for holistic health.

The Seven Bodily Tissues--Sapta Dhatus
The most unique feature of Ayurvedic histology (concept of tissue formation) is that each human tissue is formed from the previous tissue in ascending order of complexity.Each dhatu consists of countless infinitesimal paramanus (cells) which are units of structure and function. Each paramanu contains innumerable suksma srotas (channels, pores) through which it receives nutrients and subtle energies and eliminates waste materials.
Sukra dhatu (reproductive tissues), Majja dhatu (bone marrow and nervous tissues) ,Asthi dhatu (bone) Meda dhatu (fatty tissues), Mamsa dhatu (muscle tissues), Rakta dhatu (formed blood cells), Rasa dhatu (plasma)
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is widely regarded as the world's foremost scientist in the field of consciousness.

Ayurveda is the health care system of the ancient Vedic Tradition of India and is the world’s oldest and most complete system of natural medicine. Maharishi Ayurveda® is the revival of the complete and authentic practice of Ayurveda, by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the TM technique.
Vedic knowledge mirrors the most advanced modern scientific understanding of nature. Both see all the laws and physical reality of nature springing from their source in an abstract, non physical field of pure potentiality. Modern quantum physics has described this abstract, non-physical source of natural law as the Unified Field. The Vedic Rishis experienced this field directly and called it Veda. The Rishis experienced the Unified Field as the source of the functioning of their own mind and all of nature. They experienced it as a field of pure consciousness and unbounded intelligence.
The word 'Ayurveda' comes from the word 'ayur' meaning 'life' and the word 'veda' meaning 'to know'. Ayurveda means 'the science of life', and is a medical system practiced in India,Nepal,Tibet and Sri Lanka.
Ayurveda's mythological origins, though, are attributed to the Indo-European Nasatya or Aswins, twin physicians of the gods of the ancient Indo-European pantheon. Four thousand year old references to the Nasatya are found in the now extinct, Hurrian and Hittite languages in Turkey, and in the Sanskrit language in India. Ayurveda is considered the upaveda or accessory Veda to the Atharva Veda. The four Vedas are the world's oldest literary documents in an Indo-European language.A classic ayurvedic text, that parallels the time frame of the Atharva Veda, is the Charaka Samhita. Written in the Indus Valley area around 1000 B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) in Sanskrit, it is a treatise on general medicine. This strongly suggests the probability that ayurveda, though of pan Indo-European origins earlier, had begun to evolve into a distinct entity within the subcontinent by the first millennium B.C.E.
Ayurveda's lasting influence in the non Indo-European sphere began after the rise and spread of Buddhism in the 6th century B.C.E. Buddhist monks introduced Ayurveda to China, Tibet, Korea, Mongolia and Sri Lanka, leaving a lasting legacy in their medical systems. More recently, the German translation of an ayurvedic text that dates back to less than 1000 B.C.E., the Susruta Samhita, contributed to modern medicine the discipline of plastic surgery. Susruta mentions eight branches in ayurveda - General medicine, Surgery, ENT and Eye diseases, Toxicology, Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Gynecology, Sexology and Virility.
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi With Former Disciple - Dr Deepak Chopra Author of AGELESS BODY, TIMELESS MIND
Ayurveda: an ancient philosophy :
Ayurveda is the indigenous system of medicine in India. It evolved in India thousands of years ago through the efforts of people endowed with extraordinary powers of observation of nature and its complex processes. For millenniums this comprehensive system tended the healthcare needs of Indian people, rich and poor alike. The quintessence of Ayurveda lies in the unique philosophy that there is a symbiotic
between man and nature. This symbiosis, therefore, demands a holistic approach in treating human ailments. Ayurveda is essentially a holistic treatment method derived from nature that aims at the eradication of human sufferings, both physical and mental, through natural processes. Ayurveda believes that ailments are a natural process and their cure lies hidden in the core of nature.
In Ayurveda, there is no scope for the use of any extraneous elements or factors in curing human sufferings and ailments.Put simply, Ayurveda (a Sanskrit word meaning the science, or wisdom of life) is an ancient philosophy based on a deep understanding of eternal truths about the
human body, mind and sprit. Unlike orthodox medicine, it is not based on the frequently changing findings of specific research projects, but on permanent, wise and eternal principles of living.

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Freelance Tutor,Vedic Astrology Consultant,Planetary Gemology Advisor.