Friday, November 14, 2008



The Crown Chakra-Kundalini Yoga

Sahasrara meaning "a thousandfold ", is different from other chakras in constitution and effect. When Kundalini(coiled snake) reaches this level it no longer belongs to the realm of the animal or human awareness, it is purely divine. It is the thousand-petalled lotus leading into eternal, infinite, supreme existence. It is the seat of pure consciousness. When the Kundalini rises from the Base Chakra to Sahasrara, energy and conciousness unite and illuminations dawns.
Kundalini Yoga Sun-Logo

"The Sun "Surya" - Mahabindu-The Supracosmic and Metacosmic Transcendental Void"

Kundalini Yoga and Tantra -The Evolutionary Energy in Man, in which that " the human organism is evolving in the direction indicated by mystics, prophets and men of genius, by the action of the wonderful mechanism located at the base of the spine.
Tantra, "The cult of the feminine",is the root of yoga and the most all-inclusive spiritual system ever developed. Yoga is well-known whereas Tantra is in mystery. Yogis and quantum physicists share a wonderful view of the universe as a sea of "quantum foam", of space and time existing not as fixed realities but as mental constructs. The yogi is concerned with this "unspeakable mystery".
Tantra Yoga Aura

Kundalini is sometimes described as the individual bodily representation of the great cosmic power which creates and sustains the universe ; because each human being is a microcosm of that macrocosm. Human experience owes to Tantra the discovery and location of the centres of psychic energy, chakras, in the subtle or astral body. The passage of the awakened Kundalini(coiled snake like energy) is a unique branch of tantric esoteric knowledge, ultimately unfolding the mysteries of the whole universe.

Seven Main Chakras

The Kundalini Energy The Ida and Pingala Nadi

Kundalini is depicted in the form of a snake/serpent which slumbers at the base of the spine. "The feminine Energy Shakti" pierces each of the lotuses or chakras up to her spouse "The Masculine Energy Shiva the "Crown Chakra" the thousand petalled lotus - brings enligntenment, "God-Consciousness" and Ultimate Bliss.

Tantra -what is that? Is that....royal path of ecstasy,ultimate bliss,union with the absolute brahman, oneness with the god, illusion, black-magic, sacred sex or erotic sex cult...? Even the wisest yogis and saints of India were puzzled.....? The King Cobra moves in mystery in the jungles of Asia has thousand meanings...!Because Tantra is a mystical subject, it is nearly impossible to define. Even eminent scholars have had a hard time explaining what Tantra actually is...! "Tantra" is a Sanskrit word that means expansion of consciousness and liberation of energy.Tantra is a spiritual science, which means it is also mystical, in its interconnectedness, the holistic wisdom link between ourselves and the universe we inhabit.It is about becoming more conscious and when applied in love making deepens intimacy, intensity and orgasmic orgastic experience heading in the direction of full body orgasmic feeling.

Lord Krishna/Kaliya
Patala-Loka The Serpentine Demon World
Rahu and Ketu are also known as the Chahaya Grahas (shadowy planets). It is the name given to the nodes of the moon. Rahu represents the North Node and Ketu, the South Node. According to Hindu Mythology these planets represents the Serpent. They represent the darker side of our nature which we need to overcome.Their role as Karmic indicators of our life is connected with their power to cause eclipses. There are many Myths and legends attached to Rahu Ketu. The most well known one is of Rahu Ketu as the Naga Vasuki- the ruler of the Patala Loka (the nether regions of the earth). The soul's journey in a particular life time and it's connection with eternal life is indicated by the position of Rahu and Ketu. Ketu deals with the past Karma and Rahu with the future.
Rahu is the head part of the celestial snake. This hymn refers to Rahu being snake shaped. The snakes are given great importance in Vedic mythology. Lord Shiva has a snake around his neck, Lord Vishnu's throne was Shesh Naga - the Eternal Serpent. Shesh Naga represents the cycles of time and space which the seed of cosmic creation. The Nagas are shaped like snakes but stand tall. The Nagas are highly evolved beings. They are wise, but their wisdom can be used for both good and bad. The Naga sheds his skin, this symbolises transformation,re-birth. The snakes in Vedic literature remind people of their mortality.
Naga or Sarpa is Serpentine Energy in Kundalini Tantra Yoga

The nagas are an ancient race of semi divine serpent creatures beings first depicted in ancient Vedic Hindu mythology and oral folklore from at least 6000 B.C. Stories involving the Nagas are omnipresent in Hindu and Buddhist mythology and still very much a part of contemporary cultural traditions in predominantly Hindu (India, Nepal, and the island of Bali) and Buddhist (Cambodia,Thailand,Sri-Lanka and South-East Asia) regions of Asia. The Chinese Dragon, or Lung(Loong) , symbolizes power and excellence, valiancy and boldness, heroism and perseverance, nobility and divinity.
In Hindu myth, nagas are a primeval race of divine serpent-people that play an important part in religion. They are half human and half snake, and are still worshipped as the bringers of fertility, especially in India. Nagas are believed to live in palaces (Patala) Loka in the underground city Bhogavati. They are considered the protectors of springs, wells and rivers. They bring rain, and thus fertility, but are also thought to bring disasters such as floods and drought. Their ruler is Sesha. Some of the nagas are: Ananta (symbol of eternity), Vasuki, Manasa (fertility goddess and protector against snake-bites), and Mucilinda. The word Naga comes from the Sanskrit (नाग) , and nag is still the word for snake, especially the cobra, in most of the languages of India. Female Nagas are called Nagis or Naginis. In the East Hindu and Buddhist pantheon it is connected with the Serpent Spirit and the Dragon Spirit. In India and Asia, a naga represents is a mythical serpent or dragon, a serpent-god, a ruler of the netherworld who possesses immense wealth.
Originally, Nagas came to Cambodia from India, together with Hindu religion, philosophy, legends and architecture. Naga cult is still part of Indian culture, and has even found its way into the Muslim communities in Kashmir. In Thailand, the Naga is usually depicted as a large crested serpent. However, at Angkor, the Naga loses its crest in favor of a more ominous multi-headed appearance reminiscent of the Hydra from Greek mythology. When visiting Angkor, the outer gates are flanked by seven-headed Naga serpents leading to the central temple complex.
The Seven-Headed Naga serpents depicted as statues on Cambodian temples apparently represent the 7 races within Naga society, which has a symbolic association with "the seven colours of the rainbow". Cambodian Nagas also possess numerological symbolism in the number of their heads. Odd-headed Naga symbolise male energy, infinity, timelessness, and immortality. This is because, numerologically, all odd numbers come from One. Even-headed Nagas are said to be female, representing physicality, mortality, temporality, and the earth.
Text and photographs by Dolf Hartsuiker, author of the book "Sadhus, Holy Men of India". Spiritual adventurers, ascetic warriors, devout mystics, occult rebels or philosophic monks,the sadhus are revered by Hindus as representatives of the gods,sometimes even worshipped as gods themselves.

Strange Photo Snap"Amazing "Aura" Of A Hindu Holy Boy" 

This young Sadhu boy vows to be speechless for 6 Years and continues to be speechless for many years-till surrender to god- called as "Mauna Sadhu"."Science has yet to explain the extraordinary abilities and feats of the Sadhus, The Hindu holy men of India. They are believed to have ability to read and transmit thoughts, able to duplicate themselves and appear in two places at once, to give flowers completely different scent, and to call back the spirits of dead. For the Sadhus, the entire universe is driven by urge, to unite with the divine and this gives them extraordinary powers.
For the Hindus the abilities of Sadhus are certainly not seen as unusual. Indeed, all the holy scriptures of Hinduism which include the Vedas, the Upanishad,Rig-Veda, Bhagavad-Gita and Tamil scriptural classic Tirumantiram agree that the human soul, the self(atman), is identical with the cosmic principle, the absolute(brahman).Perhaps there is a lesson for the sceptics here, for it seems that deeper we probe into enigmas of human life, the closer we come to the mysterious and unacknowledged forces that dwell within us all.

About Me

Freelance Tutor,Vedic Astrology Consultant,Planetary Gemology Advisor.